Friday, April 2, 2010

welcome to a spot of whimsy!

hello to new friends and old!

this is me, diane.

this is my very first post on my very first blog.  i have been thinking about starting one for probably the last six months, and i finally decided to take the plunge, despite my fears that absolutely no one cares what i have to say (STFU, fears!).

over the next few posts, i'll be introducing myself to you - and hopefully winning you over with my effortless charm and wit (ha!) - while also starting to figure out where this blog will take us. what i know i can promise you is a little of this, a little of that, some snark, some goofiness, very little capitalization (i don't much care for capital letters), and, almost always, at least a spot of whimsy.

i have a feeling there will be many tweaks, overhauls, and advancements over the next several months, since right now i know pretty much nothing about this blogging sitch, so stick with me and i think (hope!) it will be worth your while.

life is better with a little whimsy.

xo. di.

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thanks so much for the note! i love reading your comments. xo. di.

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